Unplugged Yoga

Align your spine
with Alexandra Rodrigues

February 26 (Wednesday)
at 7:15 pm

Class length
75 minutes

Difficulty level
Suitable for beginners

Facilitated by Alexandra Rodriguez

Explore the innovative use of the BackMitra® – a simple & ingenious foam strip that aids in the re-alignment of the natural curves of the spine.

Additionally, each class incorporates self-myofascial release techniques using Yoga Tune
Up® Therapy Balls, promoting tissue health, pain relief, improved circulation, and heightened body awareness. 

Expect a full-body self-massage experience that leaves you feeling revitalized mid week.

To learn more about the BackMitra®: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-zFOpY-0Rw

All props will be provided from the premium high quality BackMitra®’s and Yoga Tune Up® Therapy Balls.

Do I need previous experience?
No prior experience necessary - any health, wellness and movement enthusiasts are welcome.


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